
Coming Out Of Covid



23 May, 2023
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Coming Out Of Covid

Queensland is doing well in our quest to quash COVID-19. Because of this many facets of our lives are returning to ‘the new normal’.

Many of us will continue to spend some time working from home while gradually transiting to work back in the office. Some businesses are embracing longer term use of working from home practices.

neck and back pain patients our practice received in the early weeks of working from home highlighted the need for a safe and ergonomically-correct home office set-up.

Our physiotherapists are highly skilled in the field of workplace design and are happy to provide detailed advice regarding:

  • Selection of appropriate home office chairs and desks including sit-stand desks;
  • Ideal posture for sitting and standing workplace activities;
  • Correct height for computer monitors;
  • Correct placement of monitor, keyboard and mouse to ensure good posture;
  • Exercises and activities to ensure postural variation to reduce pain and stiffness.

Postural variation is incredibly important for our well-being. We are MADE TO MOVE, yet many of our work activities are extremely sedentary. Working from home has, for many people, increased the number of daily sedentary hours. 

The commute to and from work has been eliminated as has the activity involved in attending meetings and interacting with co-workers in the office situation.

Neck and back exercises are crucial for maintaining a healthy posture and preventing pain and discomfort. Spending prolonged hours sitting or engaging in repetitive activities can lead to muscle imbalances and strain in the neck and back muscles. Regular exercises targeting these areas help strengthen the supporting muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance overall spinal health. 

By incorporating neck exercises and back exercises into a home workout routine, you can alleviate tension, reduce the risk of injuries, and promote proper alignment. These exercises also promote blood circulation, reduce stiffness, and enhance mobility, allowing individuals to maintain a pain-free and functional lifestyle.

Here are some basic neck and back exercises at home which can be performed at intervals throughout the working day to ensure we maintain spinal flexibility and reduce the likelihood of developing neck and back pain.

Sit up tall. Gently guide your head to the right to feel stretch down the left side of your neck to your shoulder. Hold for 20 seconds.

Out of Covid 1

Next guide your head down as though looking into your right arm pit to feel stretch down the left side of your neck to your shoulder blade. Hold for 20 seconds.

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Now, interlock your fingers and reach forward as though you’re trying to pull your shoulder blades forward around your rib cage. Feel stretch between your shoulder blades. Hold 20 seconds Repeat 5 times.

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After you have completed this stretch repeat exercises one and two to stretch the right side of your neck.

Lastly, stand up from your desk. Place your hands on your hips and arch back to feel a stretch in your low back. Hold the stretch for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

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These stretching exercises can be performed several times a day. Make a conscious effort to get up and move around regularly throughout the day as well as engaging in some structured sport or activity such as walking or cycling.

Please note that this is general advice and should only be followed if it can be performed without pain. Some injury and medical conditions will preclude these activities from being safe and suitable.

Do you

  • suffer from neck or back pain?
  • have queries relating to your workplace set-up?
  • desire to seek further advice on suitable exercise and activity specific to your needs?

We offer physiotherapy for back pain and neck physiotherapy.  Our dedicated team of experienced physiotherapists is trained to assess, diagnose, and provide personalized treatment plans for individuals suffering from back and neck pain. Please contact us for an appointment.